1. Joanna Marie Polniaczek
2. Edna Ann Garrett
3. Eastlake School
4. 32 years old and 4 episodes
5. 3 Brothers, Harrison, Washington D.C., Criminal Lawyers.
6. Nurse,
Worked at Howard Johnson, Housemother, Nutritionist and Democrat.
7. 845DUD
8. Mama Roses Original Bronx Pizza,
9. 40YT55, Tootie's Name Dirk and Jo's Computer Name Steve.
10. WLG
11. Green
12. #128
"A Man in the Attic", #130 "Sisters", #131 "Its Lonely at the Top", #149 "The Agent", #150 "The Reunion", #152 "Atlantic City",
#153 "The Lady Who Came to Dinner", #155 "Big Time Charlie", Season 8-End.
13. "The Facts of Life goes to Venice"
aka Venice, Italy
14. Joseph Polniaczek from Poland
15. Koolunga School in Australia
16. Andy and
Pippa's rooms
17."I'm glad I asked you to stay"